"Fin Leonard" is a game designed as part of the Gameplay and Ergonomics course during my bachelor's degree. It is a stealth game in which it is impossible to kill enemies. Instead, the player can distract or blind guards to go unnoticed. Additionally, Leonard has X-ray vision, allowing him to see enemies and objectives through walls.
My role :
In this project, my responsibility was to design the levels and place various enemies within them. Our primary goal was to provide players with a variety of strategies to stealthily evade enemies.
What I've learn:
In this project, I learned the importance of guidance and affordances. I understood how crucial it is to provide a clear direction and objective in different sections of a level, especially in a stealth game. It is essential to give a clear goal of where the player should go and provide information, such as the enemy patrol routes and directions. Then, allow the player to formulate their own strategies to reach the end. If the player doesn't know where to go, improvisation can lead to panic and even discourage the player.
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